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SOLUM Electronic Shelf Labels are empowered by the all-new Newton system that will improve the overall quality of education your school provides if integrated with your school’s facilities.

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A school’s facilities have a profound impact on teacher and student outcomes. They affect a teacher’s recruitment, retention, commitment, effort, and student’s health, behavior, engagement, learning, and achievement.


If your school is not equipped with advanced technology, it’s time to make a change.


Here are five benefits that digital labels provide to schools.

NFC Tapping

Using Newton’s NFC Tapping:


  • Students can replace a meal ticket or restaurant card in the cafeteria and load it up with a set amount in advance
  • Students can use access cards in the dormitory and classrooms by tapping on a label attached to each room
  • Teachers can also record student attendance when they tap their student ID on the label attached to each classroom

Location-based Service

By further taking advantage of Newton’s NFC combined with its LBS capability, the teachers can track a child who moves from one place to another. The child’s new position is recorded on the server, so the parents and teachers can check the child’s location, allowing the school to identify if the child is out of range immediately and contact the guardian or emergency services.


Newton’s Bluetooth feature lets students use tags like a notepad by writing the content on their mobile devices and updating them to the tags via an app. Students can also attach the label to their personal belongings like luggage or wallets. The object becomes traceable via the Bluetooth location capability. They may set the alarm when the items go out of previously-assigned bounds (ex.: 10m away from your position).

LED Indication

When students want to know a book’s exact location, they can search for the book on the library’s website, and the corresponding shelf LED will blink.


Newton can share information in a shared platform by streamlining reservation processes, allowing the sharing of reservations in conference rooms, offices, and locker rooms, providing convenience to the students and the school’s faculty and staff.


With Newton, ensure your school’s provided learning experience will be on a whole new different level!


For more information about SOLUM’s shelf labeling system, contact us today.

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